Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why I Love Photos

My favorite thing about photos is that they help me remember the good times and forget the difficult ones.

For instance, the Sunday these photos were taken was HORRIBLE.  We had an extra long meeting at church and the kids were terrible….and I mean TERRIBLE!  Zac and I came home feeling like we were suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but you'd never know it from these photos.  I captured the best parts of the day and I look back and remember:

Oh fun, we played Guess Who… (that's my little sister, Andy…not me).

we had family over for dinner...

we hung out in the front yard…

Zac helped Colby learn to ride his new bike...

 and took the kids on motorcycle rides….and got fluffy hair from said motorcycle rides….

See what I mean?  I can't help but smile as I go through the photos from this day and I sort of forget that I yelled a lot...and that I wanted to sell my kids to the gypsies.

The same thing applies to vacation.  Trips with four young children are never dreamy, but is it so awful that I want to look back and think they were?  Maybe this makes me delusional, but I don't need help remembering missed naps, cranky babies and fighting siblings - and I don't want to.  I want to look back and remember the good times and the all the fun we had.  Photos help me do just that.


  1. And Many MANY moons from now, that's all you'll remember. And I bet the kids will remember those precious moments too! I love photos!

  2. I'm with you . . . my baby was so colicky and screamed for the first 2 months straight--and yet all my pictures from that time are of him smiling sweetly and sleeping (which I don't really remember happening) . . . so I certainly can't blame you for wanting to remember (and pretend there were nothing but) sweet happy moments :-) (Also, is your hair darker? It's so cute!) Great photos!

  3. Yes there is a huge resemblance between you and ANdy. Pictures are great that way!

  4. bahahaha. i was wondering if zac had traded the fauxhawk for some 90s hair...

  5. *** That was SOOOO SWEET!!! I think you've got it RIGHT, my young friend!!! And, such a darling family you have!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  6. (Oops! Correction, even tho not needed... it's THIS coming weekend!)...

  7. Hahaha....this is so true. Love it!

  8. So crazy ... I just peaked on the I love Mesa Blog and saw you featured on there so it led me to your personal blog. Wow, you are one busy lady! So fun to read some of your posts. Glad are kiddos are in the same classes this year. We love your family!

  9. Amen! Pictures are quiet. I love them.

  10. Great post! I'm new to your blog, though I've been hearing about you for years! Thanks for your honesty and optimistic outlook. The world needs more of this combo!
