Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Weekend!

How time flies!  Just over a week until Christmas!  I've received a few kind emails this week wondering if I was alright (thank you) and I am.  I don't feel great yet, but I'm definitely better.  I'm moving around a lot more now and have actually spent a few hours painting in the garage.  I couldn't believe how much I'd missed the sounds of my compressor and the zip of my air tools!

At this point, I haven't been working much because I have quite a bit of makeup time to put in with my kids before I allow my work schedule to get hectic again.  They held on so long and did so well for about two months and then they all started acting out at the same time and it was obvious this pregnancy has been just as hard for them as it has for me.  

On a positive note, we should find out the sex of the baby next week and we're all so excited.  Though, I'll be honest, I'm not sure what I'm going to do if it's a girl.  Charlotte (the 2 year old) and I are the only ones that don't have incredibly strong feelings on the subject.  Isabelle (the 4 year old), told me last night as she rubbed my belly, "I love your baby.  But what if it's a girl?"  Ha!  I couldn't help but laugh.  Four girls and one boy would probably make for a lot of drama around here.

I don't know about most of you, but I sure wish my tree looked like this one.

My grandma always decorated her tree with colorful vintage ornaments just like this and I'm now wishing I had a few of them to hang on mine.  I'll be scouring the after-Christmas sales for a white tree just like this one!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love that you are thinking "what if it is another girl". I am also pregnant and I have 2 boys. At my house we are all thinking "what if it is another boy" :) It is so fun to read someone thinking the same thing.

  2. Natalie, I'm glad to hear that you and baby are doing great :) I love the tree, I'm sure you will find one after the holiday at a really good price.

  3. that really is a beautiful tree. Glad to hear you've been able to paint a little- I always feel like doing what I love makes hard times a little more manageable!

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