Friday, February 17, 2012

Afternoon delights

Today was such a beautiful day that the two little girls and I lounged out front with a bag of Cheetos  (our favorite) to wait for the big kids to get home from school.

I love lazy afternoons.  Especially the sunny ones. :)


  1. Aww, that is so sweet. Those are the sweet times that you/they will remember.

  2. Sounds great. How are you doing? Seriously...have you had the natural cheetos? They are the best things in the world!

  3. This post came on a day when myself and 3 young beautiful boys went outside to frolic in the backyard. After attempting to make lemonade out of my first staining project on a $12.00 dining room table that I had scored at the thrift store, I then packed up the DIY, and played "tag" with my 5 and a half year old. We haven't laughed so heartily in a while! Soooo fun! What a great afternoon!

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