Saturday, June 30, 2012

birthday no. 29

A couple days ago, I celebrated my 29th birthday.  I looove my birthday because I can say, "the laundry needs to be folded…it's my birthday," "no fighting…it's my birthday," "the house needs to be cleaned…it's my birthday" - and everyone listens/does.
So, I know thirty is the new twenty - but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous for the milestone next year.
My mom posts a birthday blog for each of her kids chock full of wonderful things about each.  Mine was no exception (thanks, mom).  I'll spare you the details, but here are a few of the photos she posted.
Sometimes I was cute...
 and sometimes I was ghetto.
My second birthday.
Fast forward twenty-seven years to my 29th birthday at my favorite restaurant with my besties. (Yes I have slouching issues - don't judge).
And…because we're friends, I'll share a photo from my "awkward" stage - which lasted quite a long time.  Woah.
Be good to me, 29.


  1. except you didn't divulge which one is you!!!!

  2. Happy late birthday! I just turned 29 too. Kinda freaky. I had the worst awkward stage which lasted from 5 or 6 until I was 16. It was horrible.

    1. Woohoo for 29! And I kinda doubt the awkward stage - you're too cute.

  3. Cute kid, stunningly beautiful woman! Happy Birthday!

  4. Lindy CrainJune 30, 2012

    We all slouched when we had that age kids!! It will get better and you are beautiful!

  5. Happy birthday!! I can speak from experience that 30'is no different than 29...I just turned 30 in February...shh. You look beautiful and your kids are precious!!! Hope this is the best year yet!!

  6. I'm glad 30 is scary for someone else too. I'll be there in November and I've been stressing about it for the last 2 years ;) Happy birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday! What cute photos. If it makes you feel better, I'll be 53 this year. 30 was a breeze. lol

  8. Happy belated birthday! Such cute photos. If it helps, 30 was nothing for me. I'm turning 35 this year and I'm not happy about that, though. ;)

  9. Happy birthday, Nat. You're beautiful. I hope this year is full of happiness for you.

  10. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Natty! Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful birthday week. I am going to be 43 this August and with age comes wisdom. Make it a week long celebration. Totally worth it!

    Seriously, I am so enjoying my age and enjoying the confidence that comes with knowing who I am and being comfortable in my own skin. I always tell my kids, the dirtier you are at the end of the day, the better the day was. It means they ate life. I am trying to apply this to the introduction of lines on my face. The more lines on my face, the more I ate life!

    Enjoy each season of your life.
